Category: Dentist

A dentist’s guide to knowing your teeth and identifying threats to oral health

Despite the vital role our teeth and jaws have on our everyday functioning, we take our dental health for granted. We brush infrequently or adequately, eat sugar, drink too much coffee and alcohol and avoid the dentist in Kings Hill when we have an issue that, early on in its prognosis, is easily treatable. Yet, with the absence of a healthy mouth, our lives are restricted in various ways, eating and chewing become challenging, and we are more prone to an array of nasty periodontal diseases and infections.

Dentist in Kings HillThe best way to prevent severe issues down the line is to know your teeth. Care for them properly and make sure you contact us at the first signs of a problem.

Why is it so important to look after my teeth?

We all know that we need to brush and floss regularly, but why is it so important to keep our teeth clean?

The answer is simple: your mouth, like the rest of your body, is a breeding ground for bacteria, some of them good but others harmful. Your body’s natural defences, coupled with good hygiene practices, helps get rid of most of the bad ones. If you do not adhere to a rigorous cleaning routine, however, your mouth is ill-equipped to ward off bacteria on its own, which is when problems occur.

Is oral health as important as overall health?

Oral health is intrinsically linked to the body, because the health of your mouth can reveal your state of health in general.

Visiting the dentist in Kings Hill can save your life too –  early signs of mouth cancer, diabetes and HIV/AIDS can be first detected in your mouth by your dental practitioner and treated, controlled or managed accordingly.

At the same time, not maintaining your oral health can result in germs entering your bloodstream and spreading throughout your body. One example of this is Endocarditis – a condition that affects the inner lining of your heart.

Top tips to help you maintain good oral health

Brush correctly – this might seem obvious, but you would be surprised by the number of people who do not know the proper way of cleaning their teeth. Position your brush at a 45-degree angle and brush in a circular motion.

Use a soft bristled toothbrush – one that is too hard will aggravate sensitive gums and potentially cause them to bleed.  Do not clean your gums the way you do your teeth – brush using soft, gentle motions and tender massaging.

Replace your toothbrush every three to four months, and after you have been ill, to avoid recurring infections.

Fluoride toothpaste is more effective in preventing tooth decay than other toothpaste.  Speak to us if you are not sure that if you are using a correct toothpaste

What can I do today to improve teeth and well being?

While prevention is better than cure, you can make the following lifestyle changes:

  • Brush (with a fluoride toothpaste) and floss daily
  • Eat a healthy diet – cut out sugary sweets and drinks, limit your coffee and alcohol intake
  • Keep snacking to a minimum
  • Visit us every six months for a general check-up

With our experienced and highly qualified team, coupled with state of the art tools and technology, your teeth have never before been in such good hands! Visit a dentist in Kings Hill and find out for yourself.

Gum disease and the dentist in Kings Hill

You can be forgiven for thinking that tooth decay is the only mortal enemy of your teeth. In fact, generally speaking, once you have made it past childhood, your risk of tooth decay drops off. Your tooth enamel has hardened up and, as long you keep brushing and flossing, you are less likely to get decay, often because you are eating fewer sugary things.

Dentist-in-Kings-HillGum disease is another matter. It is going to be enemy number one once you hit adulthood. So, it’s really important to continue to take your oral health regime seriously throughout adulthood.

We know that it’s not just kids who can find brushing their teeth twice a day for 2 minutes a real faff. Busy adults can cut corners with their oral health routine too. The trouble is that every time you don’t brush properly to remove plaque, you give what remains in your mouth more opportunity to harden into tartar, which can only be scraped away with special tools by the dentist in Kings Hill.

Gum disease is a progressive condition caused by the acids from plaque. It starts out fairly innocuously, with red, swollen gums that bleed when you brush them. At this stage, all you need to get rid of gum disease is a good oral health routine.

If you ignore the problem, you will find that your gums develop pockets because the bone beneath them is now being corroded, plus there is still bleeding. Ignore that and the bone will start to disappear from between the roots of the teeth, which will start to wobble in their sockets. Finally, your teeth will come out altogether.

At the dentist in Kings Hill, we have various ways to deal with gum disease. We remove any deposits of plaque from the base of your teeth and under the gums, and smooth out roots that have been corroded. We can also use a laser to get rid of diseased gum tissue and interrupt the disease process.

We will be able to tell you if you have gum disease when you come to One Smile Oral Care for your bi-annual check-up.

The importance of healthy teeth and gums

Having teeth and gums in optimum health is important for a happy life. What’s more, visiting a dentist you trust to provide a thorough check-up and identify potential issues is really crucial. At One Smile Oral Care, we’re a dentist in Kings Hill that works hard to establish positive and caring relationships with our patients, providing an excellent standard of treatment.

Dentist in Kings HillHow it works

Joining our dentist in Kings Hill involves completing a form about your medical history. We’ll book an appointment for you so that one of our dentists can provide an examination and assessment. Caring about our patients and making them feel happy and comfortable with their dental treatment is important to us. We like to make things easier for families. That’s why at our dentist in Kings Hill, we aim to book in family members an appointment on the same day, or as closely together as possible.

Booking appointments

Our dentist in Kings Hill is open from Monday to Saturday to offer a wide range of appointments. Our times are flexible. If you’re experiencing severe pain or toothache, our team will strive to book you an appointment for the same day.


Everything from general check-ups and scale and polishes, to fillings, teeth whitening and braces are offered at our dentist in Kings Hill. For treatments, such as a crown, we can make it on-site while you wait, so you can have it fitted the same day. Whatever you need, we’ll walk you through every part of your dental journey.

Looking after your teeth

Diet is important when it comes to healthy teeth and gums. Most people know that the sugary culprits, such as sweets and chocolate, are no-go areas. However, did you know about starchy foods? Bread, biscuits and crackers can contribute because mouth bacteria feed on the sugars in them, which then creates acid. This acid can attack your teeth for up to 20 minutes afterwards. It’s most effective to limit your intake of these foods. Drinks, such as red wine and tea, are known to cause teeth staining, too. Foods less harmful to teeth include vegetables and calcium-based foods, such as milk. Foods such as cheese can also help to neutralise acid.

Best practices for healthy teeth and gums

Achieving great oral health is a constant journey that takes a lifetime. If you abandon your teeth and gums, they will repay you in the worst way possible. To avoid these problems, it’s important to see your dentist in Kings Hill on a regular basis.

Dentist in Kings HillAt One Smile Oral Care, we strongly believe that prevention is important when it comes to the maintenance of your oral health. While it’s crucial to have a thorough oral care routine and practise it on a daily basis, it is also important to be mindful of your teeth and gums by eating properly and visiting the dentist in Kings Hill at least twice a year.

Always brush your teeth before you sleep

While it is generally recommended to brush our teeth at least twice a day, still some people neglect to brush their teeth at night. Brushing your teeth at night is really important because it helps to remove the bacteria and plaque that accumulate during the day.

Learn to brush and floss effectively

The way you brush and floss your teeth is really important – if you are using the wrong techniques, the result will be as bad as not brushing or flossing at all. Instead of swiping the toothbrush upside down, take your time and use circular movements to remove plaque and food remains. Similarly, ensure that floss covers the surfaces of your teeth and that you use swift but gentle movements. Your dentist in Kings Hill will be happy to show you.

Introduce mouthwash in your oral hygiene routine

Mouthwash may not be a necessary step in your oral hygiene routine, but it helps in many ways. Firstly, it reduces the amount of acid in your mouth. Secondly, it removes food remains and bacteria from hard-to-reach areas in your mouth. And thirdly, it helps keep your breath fresh.

Drink more water

Avoiding sugar in food and drinks is another great way to ensure that your teeth and gums remain strong and healthy. Instead, drink plenty of water throughout the day, which helps remove plaque and bacteria from your teeth and keeps your mouth hydrated at all times.

What do you need from your dentist in Kings Hill?

When it comes to dental care, our needs change as we go through life, so when you are looking for a dentist in Kings Hill, you need to know what services they offer and if they are the right services for you and your family.

Here at One Smile Oral Care, we offer services to suit everyone, no matter how young or old they are.

Dentist in Kings HillChildren

Kids need to learn how to brush their teeth and they also need help with protecting still soft enamel from decay while they are mastering their toothbrushing techniques. At One Smile Oral Care, we can help look after young teeth with preventive treatments to harden tooth enamel and provide a protective barrier against decay.

We can also teach children all about teeth and how to look after them.

We also have great braces treatments, and can treat children with misalignments so that they can have treatment done and out of the way before they hit adolescence.


Regular check-ups and cleanings, and general dentistry such as fillings and root canals form the backbone of our practice here, but, as a popular dentist in Kings Hill, we also offer cosmetic treatments so that people can get the most out of their smiles.

We also understand that going to the dentist in Kings Hill can be very difficult for some people, so we have invested in equipment to make the whole experience easier. We use The Wand computer-controlled device to take the sting out of getting a local anaesthetic. We also have sedation for people who suffer from dental phobia to help them relax.

As people get older, their dental needs become more about replacing lost teeth and making sure that those that are left last as long as possible. We offer periodontal therapy to deal with early and advanced gum disease. We also offer dental implants to replace lost teeth.

Looking great

Having a great smile is sometimes not enough, you need something to help smooth the lines of the face in which the lovely smile sits. At our dentist in Kings Hill, you can get facial aesthetics treatments to soften the years.

Come on in and see how we can help you.

Finding the right dentist in Kings Hill for you

When we look for new hairdressers, beauticians or manicurists we often take time to ensure they can offer us the best service at good value. Since we are so discerning in picking our beauticians isn’t it important to apply the same shrewd approach to choosing our dentist? At least with a bad haircut you can hide it under a hat but if you receive poor-quality dental treatment, it’s likely you will be living with the consequences of this for a long time. At One Smile Oral Care, we are here to talk to you about the services we offer and what access to technology and innovation you have be letting us become your dentist in Kings Hill.

Dentist in Kings HillWe offer a complete range of treatments from routine 6-monthly check-up to a complete smile makeover. Since we are also aware that spending time at the dentist might not be as comforting as visiting your hairdresser, we have also invested in the most up-to-date equipment, designed to make your visit as painless as possible.

Painless dentistry thanks to our magic wand

If your nervous about visiting you dentist, you’re in good company. Many people are uneasy due to negative or painful dental experiences in the past. This may have even led you to avoid the dentist, even when you know there are issues, meaning you end up at a surgery for emergencies that are often painful due to their nature. We understand this cycle and so have invested in an innovative gadget that can deliver injections precisely and accurately, getting to the root of the pain quickly and efficiently. It means an injection will never be painful, pain relief is quick and fast acting and leaving the dentist with a numb, strange-feeling face will never again be your experience.

Our magic continues by creating quick smiles whilst you wait, thanks to our on-site digital scanning equipment and Cerec milling technology. You can receive custom-made veneers in one visit, so lessening stress and opportunities to over think or become anxious at home. Instead, you can be surrounded by staff at your dentist in Kings Hill who can provide you with care and information throughout your visit, in a comfortable, reassuring setting.

A caring, preventive dentist in Kings Hill

What kind of a dentist in Kings Hill is One Smile Oral Care? What can you expect from a visit to our surgery? What’s our philosophy? Why do we do what we do?

Dentist in Kings HillOur practice principal is Dr Ben Mortazavi. Ben has been a dentist for more than 20 years. He has treated thousands of patients in that time. Before opening One Smile Oral Care, Ben and his team worked for many years at his practice in Snodland, Kent, before deciding to branch out into other surgeries in the area.

Ben believes in teeth for life. He puts a lot of focus on preventive dentistry and uses the best modern technology has to offer to help his patients achieve this. He also does everything he can to help you feel at ease in the dentist’s chair.

This includes using pain-free injection system, The Wand. Ben knows how difficult it can be for you to visit the dental surgery if you are nervous about needles or being at the dentist in Kings Hill in general. The Wand seeks to soothe these nerves by delivering anaesthetic using a computerised system. This controls the flow of anaesthesia, avoiding that bee sting feeling that usually accompanies an injection. Though is does still use a needle, The Wand looks more like a pen and so isn’t as off putting as the usual syringe. It also delivers the injection more precisely, so just the tooth that is being worked on goes numb, not your whole mouth.

We also use an airflow system for scale and polish cleaning, removing the need for the hygienist to scrape away at your teeth with tools. Hygiene appointments are one of the key preventive measures we offer here at the dentist in Kings Hill. Removing hardened plaque prevents decay and disease and means you are more likely to hang onto your teeth. The air flow machine makes this treatment much more comfortable.

Our regular preventive check-ups spot early signs of tooth decay and gum disease and include screening for oral cancer.

Drop into our modern, comfortable surgery and have a chat with our friendly reception staff and Ben about how we can help you keep your teeth for life.

Can children be affected by gum disease?

Although severe gum disease is a rare occurrence in children, the early signs of it such as bleeding and inflammation can occur if they fail to take good care of their teeth and gums. Gum disease is a bacterial infection that stems from the inadequate removal of plaque from the teeth and gums. This typically occurs when children fail to brush and floss their teeth daily. However, some children may be more prone to gum disease than others.

Dentist in Kings HillAt One Smile Oral Care, our aim is to teach your children that dental care goes a long way. Our dentist in Kings Hill will examine their teeth for signs of gum disease and show them how to brush their teeth thoroughly so that plaque doesn’t stick to them. Having your children examined by the dentist in Kings Hill frequently can introduce them to a lifetime of great oral hygiene habits. Not to mention that it can help keep gum disease and other oral infections at bay.

Which children are at risk of gum disease?

In general, bad oral hygiene is the main culprit behind gum disease in children and adults alike. However, certain conditions may raise a child’s risk of gum disease and these include:

  • a genetic predisposition
  • mouth breathing
  • an autoimmune disease
  • poor diet
  • smoking or heavy exposure to smoke
  • diabetes
  • hormonal changes during adolescence
  • certain medications.

Moreover, bad habits such as clenching your teeth can also cause gum disease. In any case, some of these conditions can be eliminated while others can be fixed completely with the help of a dentist in Kings Hill.

How do I know if my child suffers from gum disease?

If your child complains that their gums hurt or you notice blood after brushing their teeth, chances are that they are affected by gingivitis (early stage gum disease). Other symptoms of gum disease in children are bad breath that won’t go away and a sudden change in their jaw alignment. If your child complains about their teeth and gums, then prioritise a visit to the dentist in Kings Hill and we will look into the problem.

Are bottles and pacifiers harmful to baby teeth?

If you are a new parent, you probably have enough challenges to face already without the potentially controversial topic of oral care of your little one adding to your stress levels. However, we think you need to know that, while some well-meaning friends and family will advise you to use bottles and pacifiers, newer dental research suggests that babies who cling on their bottles and pacifier for a long period of time are more likely to develop cavities.

Dentist in Kings HillMilk is the primary source of nutrition for all babies, especially during their first year. At One Smile Oral Care, we know that the use of bottles can adversely affect a child’s oral health, yet not using them altogether is not a solution. Your dentist in Kings Hill will give you advice on how to use bottles and pacifiers, ensuring that your child’s teeth remain healthy and strong.

Encouraging good habits with the bottle

Most dentists agree that children should not be fed from a bottle once it is no longer necessary for their nutrition. Deciding when to quit is different for each child and if you feel overwhelmed you can discuss it with your dentist in Kings Hill. To ensure that your child is not going to have any problems while using a bottle, do not allow them to take a bottle to bed with them during the night. Sipping from a bottle creates a pool of bacteria around their teeth and gums that leads to tooth decay. Even if you clean their teeth carefully in the morning, some damage may have already been done. If you notice white lines and spots on your child’s teeth, arrange an appointment with your dentist in Kings Hill immediately.

Pacifiers can also cause dental issues

Pacifiers are very convenient during the few months after birth, keeping babies calm and giving parents some peace. However, many children and parents abuse pacifiers. It is really important to understand that once wearing a pacifier becomes a habit, children cannot quit this habit easily. Unfortunately, the long-term use of a pacifier can cause the front teeth to become misaligned. Moreover, pacifiers should never be covered in sugar or honey because they can cause gum disease.

You only have one smile

The thing with teeth is that humans only get the one adult set and they have to last us for as long as possible. Back before we started cooking foods and eating sugary things on a regular basis, taking care of teeth might have been very easy. But now we have to contend with a daily onslaught of sugary snacks and drinks, especially when we are children.

Dentist in Kings HillSo, with only one set of teeth, it’s important to take extra good care of them and part of that is making regular visits to your dentist in Kings Hill at One Smile Oral Care.

Here at One Smile Oral Care, we recommend that everyone visits their dentist in Kings Hill at least twice a year for a check-up. Certain people may need to come more often. We also recommend that everyone gets a session with our hygienist at least twice a year to remove any build-up of plaque.

It’s all about the plaque

Plaque and your teeth, well, they live together, and are locked in a constant battle for survival. You are fighting on the side of your teeth, twice a day spending 2 minutes to remove as much plaque as possible with your toothbrush and floss. The plaque lives in your mouth and it doesn’t mean to harm your teeth, but when it eats the sugars in your food, it gives off acids. It’s the acids that damage teeth, causing holes through which decay-causing bacteria can enter. The acids also irritate and inflame your gums, and then, when they pull away from your teeth, get underneath and start to corrode your tooth roots and jawbone.


During your 6-monthly check-up, the dentist in Kings Hill is looking for early signs of decay and gum disease, as well as for any damage to your teeth. Teeth do wear out, and as you get older, we need to be vigilant in checking how fillings and crowns and other restorations are holding out. If we can catch problems early, we can deal with them before they require extensive and expensive treatments.

Join us in making your teeth last longer, book that check-up today.