Category: Dentist

Why am I getting cavities unexpectedly?

Tooth decay affects many people around the world and is one of the major causes of tooth loss globally. And even if you haven’t had cavities in years (or ever), you are still prone to them, especially as you age.

At One Smile Oral Care, we offer preventive and restorative dentistry, aiming to help our patients prevent and treat cavities and gum disease. Even if you take dental hygiene seriously, chances are that you will develop cavities at some point in your life. Luckily, our dentist in Kings Hill can help you treat them before it’s too late.

Dentist in Kings HillDry mouth

If you are smoking, drinking too much alcohol or take certain medications, chances are that your mouth is constantly dry. In order for food remains to be removed from our teeth properly, we need saliva and people with dry mouth cannot produce the correct amount of saliva. Salivary insufficiency can cause tooth decay, since food remains are likely to stick around on your tooth enamel for longer. Good oral hygiene can reduce this problem considerably. However, dry mouth can impair your quality of life and should be treated by our dentist in Kings Hill if possible.

Nutritional shortages

The quantity and quality of our saliva also depend on the foods we eat. Minerals such as calcium found in certain foods are transferred to our teeth through saliva, therefore any food deficiencies can seriously impair our oral health and encourage the formation of cavities.

Teeth whitening

Everybody loves white and sparkling teeth, but some people are obsessed with teeth whitening and this can prove detrimental to their oral health. Excessive teeth whitening can eventually cause the destruction of the enamel, leading to the creation of cavities and the exposure of the dentin. Teeth whitening should be performed under moderation and always under the supervision of our experienced dentist in Kings Hill.

Reduced fluoride intake

Another element that may contribute to the sudden appearance of cavities is a reduced intake of fluoride. Fluoride is a mineral that is important for the health of our teeth. Studies have shown that people who didn’t receive the recommended amount of fluoride, were more prone to cavities and tooth decay.

Looking after your oral health

Maintaining good oral health is a vital part of your life. Visiting the dentist in Kings Hill will give your oral health the professional attention it needs. At One Smile Oral Care, we offer the full range of dental services in a friendly and welcoming environment. Whether you need treatment to fix an existing problem, or long-term work to transform your dental condition, we’ll provide a contemporary solution.

Dentist in Kings HillWorking on your smile

As an all-round dentist in Kings Hill, we have a great deal of experience in preventive care. Our wealth of knowledge allows us to spot potential problems before they become major issues. That’s why it’s important to come to us regularly. There’s no need to wait until you have a worrying discomfort that won’t go away.

We can deal with existing damage in a sensitive manner using long-lasting dental materials. Fillings to dental cavities can be done using tooth-coloured substances that don’t have a visual impact when you open your mouth. Chipped teeth can be improved using dental veneers. These thin segments of porcelain are securely bonded to your teeth, restoring your natural outlines.

Boosting your appeal

As a cosmetic dentist in Kings Hill, we often provide our patients with solutions to visual dissatisfaction. Teeth whitening is a good example. Your dental surfaces can turn a range of undesirable colours over the years. This is because food and drink leave behind trace elements, which very slowly build into unsightly stains. You can choose the shade of white you’d like your teeth to become, and we’ll achieve this using a specially formulated substance in a process that takes around an hour. Afterwards you’ll have a dazzling smile and a mouth that feels fresh.

Many of our patients need a dentist in Kings Hill to transform the alignment of their teeth. We offer a range of solutions in this area. We are sensitive to your social needs as well as your dental ones, and our discreet braces are very user-friendly.

To overcome the problems of missing teeth, we offer dental implants. These innovative replacements fully integrate with your jawbone and restore your natural dental stability. Visiting the dentist in Kings Hill can give you back what you’ve been missing.

Sorting out your smile at the dentist in Kings Hill

In a world full of advancing technology and distraction, it can be all to easy to put people in boxes and think everyone requires the same solution. While we have embraced the latest technology for our check-ups and treatments, we are ultimately here to help people. At One Smile Oral Care, we understand that everyone is different, and will talk with you to find the best solution to your dental needs.

Dentist on Kings HillWe realise that not only are everyone’s teeth completely unique, so are you. You have your own life style, wants and needs, and we will find the treatment to suit you. Whether you need a long-term plan or a quick check-up, we will give you our full attention and have a proper chat.

Furthermore, many people have a fear of going to the dentist in Kings Hill. We understand that trips to the dentist aren’t easy for everyone. If you suffer from dental phobia, we will listen to your concerns, and do our best to help you feel more at ease. We believe that no one should be prevented from keeping their teeth happy and healthy.

When to come to the dentist on Kings Hill

The amount of times people come to the dentist again depends on the individual circumstances of the patient. Generally, most people need to go twice a year for a check-up, but you may need to come more often if you are undergoing treatment, or have a weak immune system and gum disease. On the other hand, you may have great oral health and get away with a check-up just once a year.

It’s important not to miss these dental check-ups as we can thoroughly clean your mouth, getting rid of bits the toothbrush can’t quite reach. We also give advice on how to maintain good dental hygiene. We can also see if you need treatment. The sooner this is sorted out the better, as dental problems will only become more problematic and require more invasive and expensive treatment further down the line.

Furthermore, we can spot early sings of gum disease, as well as oral cancer, and your general overall health. When spotted early, they can be easily treated.

Making your trip to the dentist in Kings Hill easy

When you visit the dentist in Kings Hill at One Smile Oral Care for the first time, you’ll be welcomed into our caring and friendly practice with open arms. Our dentists, clinical assistants and reception staff will all extend a warm welcome and do all that we can to make you feel at home.

Our modern and comfortable surgery makes the best use of the dental technology on offer, to make your experience of being at the dentist in Kings Hill as easy and pain-free as possible. This includes:

  • an iPlus water laser for removing plaque and excess tissue
  • an airflow scale and polish that uses air pressure, water and fine particles to clean your teeth
  • The Wand controlled anaesthetic system.

Dentist in Kings HillMore about The Wand

We recognised that many of our patients had a fear of the dentist, including a fear of the pain associated with needles and anaesthetic. To help address this, we started using The Wand.

This is an injection system that uses a needle that looks more like a pen. The flow of anaesthetic is controlled by a computer, cutting out the bee sting feeling that you commonly feel when injected. Because it isn’t actually the needle going into the skin that causes the most pain: it’s a rush of liquid being pushed through a tiny area, very fast. The Wand controls this flow, thus limiting the pain and the fear of the needle.

Precision tool

The other benefit of The Wand is that it is precise, so that just the tooth that needs targeting is numbed out. No more leaving the dentist in Kings Hill with half a frozen face.

This is just one example of how we use the latest equipment and techniques to help our patients have an easier time at the dentist in Kings Hill.

Find out more

Call into the practice today and find out if we are the dentist in Kings Hill for you. Talk to our practice principle Dr Ben Mortazavi about his passion for technology and patient care, and how he can help you maintain and keep your teeth for life.

Keep smiling with your dentist in Kings Hill

What a difference a smile can make. Making subtle improvements to your smile can help you to portray confidence and happiness to others. It can also help you feel great on the inside. When you feel good it usually shows. Here at One Smile Oral Care, we want you to look great and feel great. If you have concerns about your teeth, we can help you as your dentist in Kings Hill.

Dentist Kings HillSomething for everyone

We offer an extensive range of treatments to help improve your smile and maintain your dental health. From tooth-coloured fillings to braces, whitening treatments and everything in between. We help patients of all ages to have beautiful smiles, from children to the elderly. So, whether you are looking for a simple check-up, a filling, or you want to go for some cosmetic smile enhancements, our dentist in Kings Hill can help you.

Modern dentistry

Dentistry today uses advanced techniques and materials. This makes a big difference to how treatments work. Things are quicker and simpler nowadays. A great example is Invisalign. Invisalign is a modern, discreet form of teeth straightening. It uses thin, clear plastic aligner trays to straighten your teeth. The aligners are removable and almost invisible, so they fits in with your lifestyle seamlessly. Traditional metal braces can take up to three years to get teeth straight. For mild to moderate misalignments Invisalign has an average treatment time of one year. Now there’s a great improvement for modern dentistry. If you’d like to straighten your teeth with Invisalign, get in touch with our dentist in Kings Hill today.

Smile makeovers

We are proud to offer our patients advice and treatments that can enhance and improve their smile. Our staff have the skills, experience, tools and artistry to create beautiful smiles. If you are feeling less than happy with your smile, perhaps it’s time to call us for some advice. Our smile makeovers can include one or multiple treatments. All of our patients are individual and no smile is the same. So to find out how we can help you improve your smile, all you need to do is book in a consultation.

Looking for a dentist in Kings Hill?

Whether you have just moved to Kings Hill or have been here at while, you know that getting the right dentist for your needs and those of your family is very important.

At One Smile Oral Care, we know that people have better things to do that keep searching for new dentists. They want a dentist for life, and many will even stick with a less-than-average dentist because finding a new dentist in Kings Hill seems like too much of a faff. If you have not yet tried us out, please give us a go. We strongly believe in building quality relationships with our patients, so that you and your family have a dental clinic you can always rely on, no matter what age you or your kids are.

Dentist in Kings HillNew patients

Naturally, at the core of our services are the general treatments that everyone expects to find at every dental clinic, but we think the difference starts before that. That’s why when you first come to us as your dentist in Kings Hill, we like to kick off our relationship with you as our patient with an in-depth examination. This forms the basis of current information that our principal dentist, Dr Ben Mortazavi and his colleagues will refer to during check-ups and treatments. This is when we need you to tell us if you have a medical condition or are on medication. This may influence any future treatment plans.


We recommend that you have twice-yearly check-ups. This is so that we can detect problems such as tooth decay, gum disease and oral cancer in their early stages before they are harder and more expensive to treat. Our goal is always to practise preventive dentistry.

Dental implants

However, there will always be times when we need to treat your teeth, even perhaps replace them. If you need dental implants, we will refer you to Dr Emiliano Zanaboni for this most modern way to replace teeth. We recommend dental implants because they restore full functionality and protect the health of the jawbone.

Pop in

If you would like to come and check us out, we’d be very happy to have a chat and perhaps show you round our clinic.

Exploring technology at the dentist in Kings Hill – crowns

A crown is a method of repairing a damaged tooth. It is effectively a cap that fits over the tooth, once decayed material has been removed, to seal the area, prevent further damage and restore the full functionality of the tooth. Crowns have been used for millennia, but they have developed quite a bit during this time.

Dentist in Kings HillAt One Smile Oral Care, we like to work with modern technology to improve your experience of visiting the dentist in Kings Hill for care and repairs. The equipment we use to help place crowns more efficiently for our patients is known as Chairside Economical Restorations of Esthetic Ceramic® or CEREC® for short.

CEREC® is basically a digital scanner that allows us to build a picture of the area where a patient needs a crown placed and produce the required cover straight away. This used to be a multiple-appointment procedure, as we used to have to gather data in one appointment and then send this to a technician who would make a crown and then send it back to us to be fitted at the next appointment. Now, this process can usually be achieved in one appointment.

Digital technology also allows us to be more accurate when creating your crown at One Smile Oral Care. This invariably means a better fit and a long-lasting result. We do not need to take any impressions and we are able to save a greater portion of your damaged tooth.

If you need a crown to repair damage to your smile, we can talk you step-by-step through the process of getting a treatment using CEREC®. We find that our patients are more comfortable when they know exactly what is going on and how they will benefit from results at the dentist in Kings Hill.

Once your crown is fitted, it will have a positive impact on your oral health. We invite you back for check-ups to ensure that this is the case and to catch any future tooth decay before it gets to the stage of needing a crown. Whilst we enjoy using our modern technology, we’d still prefer you to have healthy teeth that don’t need it in the first place.

Chilled-out smiles

Perhaps a visit to the dentist isn’t top of your list of the most exciting things to do, but it should be up there on the list of reasons to smile. If you are looking for a dentist in Leybourne, we are here to give you both a reason to smile and to feel satisfied with your teeth. At One Smile Oral Care, we want to welcome you into a relaxed and friendly and environment, where you will feel comfortable enough to talk about any problems you might be having with your teeth.

Dentist in LeybourneWe like to think that most of the time, your teeth won’t cause you many problems. In which case, it’s also nice to hear about how happy you are with your smile. Having said that, we encourage patients to arrange a routine check-up with our dentist in Leybourne every six months. This benefits both you and our dentists, as you can be welcomed into a familiar environment where you are understood.

Getting to know you

During your routine appointment, one of our dentists will look at your teeth to check that everything is on top form. These regular visits are helpful because the dentist in Leybourne can spot early signs of certain conditions. Prevention of further complications are prioritised, allowing you to carry on laughing and smiling without interruption.

A smile that makes you smile

If you’re seeking a dentist in Leybourne providing cosmetic dentistry, we offer treatments that exist to enhance the aesthetics of your smile. Coffee and red wine never seems like a problem when you’re drinking it, because one wakes you up and the other lets you relax. However, after time, it can begin to show on your teeth. If you feel that your teeth are little too discoloured for your liking, then we offer teeth whitening treatments. This brightens your teeth, replacing the dull yellow with a vibrant white.

Other treatments we offer at Oral Smile Health Care, including teeth-straightening treatments, dental implants and restorative procedures, are all available to you if you ever need them. Although we don’t always anticipate needing certain treatments, it’s nice to know that they are here to boost your smile and preserve your oral health.

Professional oral health care

It’s important to visit the dentist regularly, so that your teeth and gums can receive the care they need. With years of professional experience and knowledge, your dentist can prevent the development of harmful conditions. This gives you the best chance of maintaining good oral health, with teeth that are free from disease.

At One Smile Oral Care, we offer the full range of oral health treatments to people seeking a dentist in Leybourne. Alongside routine preventive treatments and repairs, we offer cosmetic procedures to enhance your dental appearance. Payment plans are available to help you spread the cost of vital work, and ensure you can access the treatment you need at the time you need it.

Dentist in LeybourneWhy visit the dentist in Leybourne?

Regular check-ups are an important part of preventing tooth decay and gum disease. In our relaxing treatment room, we can examine your teeth and gums for the early indications of worrying conditions. By treating them at an early stage, we can preserve your oral health and give you a great dental future. We also offer screening for oral cancer.

Repairing the teeth is another major part of our work. Chipped teeth can be a visual nuisance and cause oral health difficulties. Cavities made by decay can bring high levels of discomfort. We can use veneers – thin segments of strong porcelain – to restore the natural outlines of chipped teeth. We can fill cavities using tooth-coloured materials that don’t make a visual impact.

Long-term work

You can go to the dentist in Leybourne to have the alignment of your teeth improved. Modern braces and aligners are made of low-visibility, lightweight materials. We can straighten your teeth without causing excessive physical and social discomfort. Although it takes some time to improve your dental positioning, the resulting benefits will last for many years after the braces come off.

Going to the dentist in Leybourne is a crucial part of a healthy lifestyle. We can provide up-to-date advice, based on the latest industry knowledge, to ensure you’re looking after your teeth and gums properly at home. As an experienced dentist in Leybourne, we deliver all of our treatments with tact and efficiency.

All your dental services under one roof

Time was that going to the dentist in Leybourne meant popping in for a bi-annual check-up, a scale and polish, and if you needed it some kind of remedial work like fillings or root canal therapy. Anything else more complex and you could expect to get referred to a separate dentist, probably in London or Maidstone. It would probably mean having to take a day, or several days, off work and eat up money on petrol or train fares.

Dentist in LeybourneNone of that need be the case if you are a patient at One Smile Oral Care, a dentist in Leybourne that has a wide variety of dental services under one roof.

Here at One Smile Oral Care, we do our utmost to offer you modern dentistry at reasonable prices. We know that what matters to you in terms of dentistry is that you have a great looking, strong, healthy set of teeth and that treatment is quick and comfortable.

That’s why we invest in important pieces of equipment, such as the Wand. No one likes injections, and interestingly, it’s not the piercing of the needle that causes the pain, but the sudden rush of fluid into your cells. The Wand delivers anaesthetics in a computer-controlled flow to avoid that pain of cells filled too fast with fluid. It also avoids you having way more anaesthetic than you actually need and leaving the dentist with half your face numb and unable to speak or drink coffee without looking distinctly strange.

As well as the Wand, we have lasers that can carry out certain procedures with much less pain than before. We can use the laser equipment to diagnose and remove decayed tooth tissue (instead of using the drill), for working on your gums and for whitening teeth.

We have also invested in technology to help cut down on the number of appointments you need for certain treatments with the dentist in Leybourne. Our Cerec machine makes ceramic restorations on site. This means if you need a crown, or a veneer, we can make one for you while you are in the dental chair, instead of you having to come back two weeks later.