Early braces in Kings Hill

When is the right time to bring your child in for an assessment for braces in Kings Hill? It’s earlier than you may think. Due to advances in dental technology and techniques, our braces dentist here at One Smile Oral Care, Dr Yasmin George, is able to detect potential dental problems in children as young as five. The AAO (American Association of Orthodontists) recommends children have an orthodontic evaluation around the age of 7.

By utilising advanced scanning techniques, we can see how the adult teeth are descending before they’ve got here. This means that in some cases, Dr George can guide the adult teeth into position as they come in, rather than adjusting them once they are hereBraces in Kings Hill

It may seem a little scary for your youngster to be assessed for braces in Kings Hill so young, and even more so to wear them, but there are advantages to early treatment. One is that they get used to the dental environment and hopefully understand that it’s not a scary place. If children have a positive experience at the dentist, they are much less likely to have dental phobia as adults.

Another is that early intervention means the treatment they have can be less complex and time-consuming than if you waited until they were older. It also means that teeth straightening work can be complete during childhood, meaning that they can go into the self-conscious adolescent phase with a beautifully straight smile and without the need to wear conspicuous braces. They will definitely thank you for this one.

Straighter teeth are also easier to keep clean and have fewer nooks and crannies for bacteria to build up in. Young children can find it a challenge to get the hang of tooth brushing. If their teeth are crooked, crowded or twisted, this is only going to make the job more difficult. With a straighter smile, they are more likely to be able to maintain their teeth, cutting down or out altogether the need for filings and other restorative work.

So, by bringing your child in for an assessment for braces in Kings Hill at a young age, you are setting them up for a lifetime of happy smiles.