Tips on getting the most out of your Invisalign aligners

If you’ve decided to improve your smile with Invisalign in Kings Hill, congratulations – you’ve chosen an advanced system with proven success. But there are some tips and hints to get the best out of the treatment.

At One Smile Oral Care, we want our patients to get the best treatment they can, and with Invisalign this means being committed to following a strict regime of wearing and cleaning the aligners.

Invisalign in Kings HillAlways wear the aligners

The main thing to remember for anyone using Invisalign in Kings Hill is that the aligners need to be worn for 20-22 hours every day in order for them to work. It’s best if the aligners are only removed for eating, brushing and flossing.

Keep on schedule

Your dentist will give you a schedule and a few sets of trays when you start treatment with Invisalign in Kings Hill, and it will be your responsibility to make sure you change them on time, and in the right order. It is important to make sure you change aligners on the right day, as the treatment programme is carefully arranged.

Brushing and flossing

When you are using Invisalign, it’s more important than ever to keep up a good dental hygiene habit, as the aligners can hold any tiny particles of leftover food against your teeth. Ideally you should clean your teeth after eating, before putting the aligners back in, but if you are unable to brush and floss at that time, at least rinse your mouth thoroughly with water.

Keep your aligners clean

Keeping your aligners clean is just as important as keeping your teeth clean. It is a good idea to give the aligners a quick clean before you replace them after eating, and also in the morning as bacteria can build up overnight. The best way to clean the aligners is using a soft toothbrush and water. Toothpaste should not be used as it is abrasive and can damage the aligners.

Give yourself time to adjust

It will take a bit of time to get used to wearing the aligners, as they will feel strange at the start. They can affect your speech at first, but you will soon learn to talk normally with them.