01732 617 177
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One Smile Oral Care £ Kings Hill 01732 617 177 One Smile Oral Care

My visit to Ben's One Smile dentistry was a whole new experience, the best kind, Painless, extraordinary profesionalism and an attention to details I have never experienced before.

Technology, Cerec, was both interesting and fascinating and resulted in a perfect fit of my new crown.

Also my last dentist was in my opinioin not anywhere technically advanced as Ben's practice.

From my first step over the threshold to my departure I was pleasantly greeted at reception, the treatment recieved was totally enjoyable and enlightening experience that I would like to highly recommend to everyone

One Smile Oral Care
62 High Street
West Malling
ME19 6LU
United Kingdom

Tel: 01732 617 177

Email: info@onesmileoralcare.co.uk

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Opening Hours

Mon: 09:00 - 17.30 Tues: 09:00 - 17.30 Weds: 09:00 - 17.30 Thur: 09:00 - 17.30 Fri: 09:00 - 17.30 Sat: 09:00 - 13.00 Sun: Closed

Emergencies: 01732 617 177